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5 top tips for tradespeople working on heritage sites

5 top tips for tradespeople working on heritage sites

Before starting work on a heritage site there are many things a tradesperson will need to consider such as understanding the historical significance of the site, ensuring site surveys have been carried out and the correct planning permission has been obtained and that building regulations have been met and approved. Having spent many years working on heritage sites installing and repairing flue and chimney systems, Mike Byrne, Director at Flue Liner Solutions shares his 5 top tips for tradespeople working on heritage sites. Communication – It is vital to have a clear understanding of the client’s expectations and what they want to achieve. If working in a listed property, or a site that may prompt interest from Historic England, regulations may force initial plans to change. So, it’s vital for all parties working on-site to communicate with one another from…

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difference between domestic and commercial flue

The Difference Between Domestic and Commercial Flues

It is vitally important to choose the right flue for a commercial property and its boiler or extraction system. Not having the right one can lead to poor performance and safety problems. But what’s the difference between domestic and commercial flues and what do you need to know to ensure yours complies with regulations and is safe? We explain in this blog. What are domestic and commercial flues?  Domestic flues are those in a residential property and are much smaller. Any residential property which has a gas boiler system or fireplace, will require a flue to get rid of the waste gases produced by…

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Do I need my chimney lined

Do I need my chimney lined?

When your chimney is first installed the installer must make sure that it complies with regulations to ensure it’s safe for its intended use. Chimney lining will create an unrestricted passage for hot gases and smoke to pass through the chimney, without leaking back into your home. It will also allow the chimney to extract air at a more reliable rate. So, do I need my chimney lined? Yes, you do need your chimney lined.     Why do I need my chimney lined? You will need to make sure you have your chimney lined for many reasons, the main being safety. Newer chimney systems will also need to have chimney lining for…

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Clarson House Flue Liner Solution

What is a flue liner?

Flue lining can be essential for your chimney to improve its working efficiency and safety, but what is a flue liner? We will answer that in this post…   A flue liner is a render or sheet of material, such as stainless steel or thermoplastics and reinforced glass fibres, formed into a pipe to create a sealed tube from one end to the other of an existing flue or duct, where the contents need to be transported from one end to the other without the risk of being contaminated or leaking into the areas in between – we are specialists in…

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Do custom flue systems affect warranty?

Almost every building will have a chimney and flue system in place, whether a residential home or a commercial building. However, designing and installing flue systems aren’t always one-size-fits-all approach – some flue systems require more detailed planning and work, whilst others are more straight forward. In this article, Flue Liner Solutions answer the question: do custom flue systems affect warranty?  What is a custom flue system?  A custom flue system is essentially a flue system (duct, pipe or chimney) that deviates from a ‘standard’ straight, upward system. Custom flue systems are often needed for older buildings, when re-routing around other pipework or extensions. A custom flue system in this respect, providing it’s clearly outlined to insurers and warranty providers, should be covered as within a warranty policy as usual.  A flue which has been repaired can…

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Flue Liner Solutions – Welcome!

Flue Liner Solutions are delighted to welcome you to our brand new blog! Make sure to check back here soon to as we begin to post regular updates, including the latest industry news, handy guides, useful information and tips filled with expert advice.

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