Gas Fire Flue Lining

Balanced flue gas fires offer a great alternative when conventional fireplaces aren’t available, and make ideal heating solutions for many commercial premises, such as hotels or restaurants.

Here at Flue Liner Solutions, we provide professional balanced gas flue liner installation, making sure that the flue system required for your balanced gas fire is as efficient as possible, while performing to its full potential to prevent the presence of any fumes in your premises.

Balanced flue gas fires refers to glass-fronted fires which utilize a double-walled pipe that runs through a wall, bringing in clean air for combustion while expelling fumes outside via a rear vent. These systems are incredibly useful and allow the installation of a gas fire without requiring a traditional chimney.

Our expert engineers have over 20 years of experience, and ensure swift and reliable installation of gas fire flue lining for commercial clients throughout the London area.

To find out more about all of the services available at Flue Liner Solutions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team today.